UNCUFF THE INNOCENT (the "Doing Business As" name of Unite Nationwide for Cops Under Fire Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private foundation organization working to protect innocent law enforcement officers and other innocent individuals from wrongful allegations and convictions so that officers can safely protect the public and the wrongfully accused and convicted will regain freedom and receive support.
The organization was incorporated on Oct. 23, 2017, as an Iowa Nonprofit Corporation with a volunteer Board of Directors including four former law enforcement officers, two of whom are exonerees who each spent more than 20 years wrongfully imprisoned.
Because law enforcement officers and exonerees are the roots from which UNCUFF THE INNOCENT grew, the organization is both supportive of police and supportive of the public, encouraging them to join forces to end wrongful convictions.
We provide legal defense funds and further investigation to falsely accused and wrongfully convicted individuals, financial aid to the exonerated in need, body camera funds to U.S. law enforcement agencies, and educational material about wrongful convictions to the public.
UNCUFF THE INNOCENT is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. We have received recognition as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax identification number is 82-3208410.
All charitable contributions, for which no goods or services were received, are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult with your tax adviser or the IRS to determine the extent to which a contribution is tax-deductible.
When you donate to UNCUFF THE INNOCENT, your gift helps uncuff the innocent! Every gift is greatly appreciated and makes a positive difference in the lives of the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted.
The Mission of UNCUFF THE INNOCENT is to free the innocent and increase public safety by preventing and overturning the wrongful conviction of police officers and other innocent individuals.
Raise legal defense funds for the innocent.
Raise funds to provide law enforcement agencies with body camera systems.
Provide education in order to improve public trust, reduce risk, and prevent wrongful convictions.
Your donation will help us raise legal defense funds for wrongfully convicted individuals, such as Police Officer Daniel K. Holtzclaw, Tim Wright Jr., and Jay B. Van Story, as well as a falsely accused man, Mike Oxley.
Your donation will also help reduce the chance of wrongful convictions by enabling us to contribute body camera funds to police departments needing financial support to purchase and maintain body cameras for their officers.